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About Our Servic

Vehicles for meeting
If you are going to have meetings around Nanjing, our company will supply you with various kinds of vehicles for meetings, for groups of people, VIP, representatives and for people observing and study.
Vehicles for Exhibitions
If any Exhibition is around Nanjing, our company can supply you with vehicles for various Exhibitions.
Vehicles for Festivals
If you celebrate festivals around Nanjing, our company can supply you with vehicles.
Vehicles for Various Activities
If you have or hold any activities around Nanjing, our company can supply you with vehicles to fetch VIP, famous people, etc.
Vehicles using in Airports
Our company provides vehicles to fetch customers from airports, vice versa.
Vehicles for Hotels
Our company can provide vehicles for VIPs who live in hotels and VIPs can have the service before them residing at hotels and after leaving hotels as well.
Vehicles for Long Term Renting
Our company provides those companies enterprises which around Nanjing. We provide long term renting vehicles to them.
Vehicles for Nanjing Citizens and companies
There are various kinds of vehicles, for example: vehicles for business affairs. We provide those vehicles for Nanjing citizens and companies.

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租车热线:(025)8481-4567、(025)8481-4568 传真:025-84664002
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地址: 南京中山东路319号维景国际大酒店 商务楼(A座)107-110室   苏ICP备05063411号